Jake Castle


Southwest Harbor, Maine

What type of paddling do you like to do?

Multi-Day/Expedition, Rafting, Whitewater SUP

Where is your favorite place to paddle?

"The Numbers" Section, Arkansas River. Technical III+/IV section that is creeky and flowy. I absolutely love to row Catarafts down this section, either on my AIRE Wave Destroyer or R2 it with my wife on our AIRE Sabertooth.

Tell us about your favorite paddling experience or biggest paddling achievement.

We drove up to Northern Idaho to run the Lochsa River in 2022. This river featured huge class IV rapids with ocean-sized waves and really gave me and my paddling group a true test of our boating skills. This was easily the biggest whitewater I've ever had the opportunity to row, and was one of my favorite paddling destinations I've ever been to!

You're leaving for the Grand Canyon tomorrow. What is the one luxury item you packed for the trip?

AIRE Couch!

What do you do when you are not on the river?

I am a Backcountry Snowmobile Guide during the winter months and spend much of my time riding powder in remote areas of northern Routt County, Colorado.

Final thoughts from Jake

I've been a paddler for 13 years and during this time it has become one of my foremost passions. Me and my wife own an outfitter's-worth of boating equipment at this point--three IK's, one SUP, two Catarafts, an Expedition Rig, and all the accouterments that go along with multi-day Rafting. We get on the River as much as possible for nearly 9 months a year, and usually our last trip of the season is in late October or even November.

While I've pursued several whitewater disciplines, my favorite place to be is behind the oars of my 13' AIRE Cataraft. Class IV whitewater is my happy place!

I've been with our company for six years and facilitated the opening of our retail store, GearSpace, in 2017. Since then I've worn many hats over time but have settled back on management of retail operations during the busy spring and summer paddling season. Come see us on Yampa Street in Steamboat Springs, but be warned, I might try to sell you a raft :)

Meet the Rest of the Dream Team

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Colleen King

Colleen King

Accounting + HR Manager
Potter Seybolt

Potter Seybolt

Head of Customer Experience
Jonny Ortiz

Jonny Ortiz

Lead Buyer + eComm Manager
Jack Brown

Jack Brown

GearSpace Manager
Jake Castle

Jake Castle

GearSpace Manager
Josh Karzen

Josh Karzen
